Electrical Installation Condition Report (E.I.C.R.)
Our expert Inspection and Testing Technician will conduct a full visual inspection, followed by a thorough series of testing using specialist equipment.
During the inspection, it will be necessary (for health and safety reasons) to switch off all electrical power for a time, but there will be no need to lift carpets or floorboards.
Please view this excellent video from our friends at Efixx which outlines the process and the rationale behind it.


The tests carried out include, but are not limited to;
Earthing arrangements
Inspection / testing to ensure a suitable system is in place to reduce the risk of electric shock in the event of a fault. This includes the main earthing connection, and links to incoming services such as gas, water and oil.
Continuity of Circuit Protective Conductors (Earth)
Tests carried out to ensure that a connection to the main earth of the installation is present at all accessory points (where required) on each circuit, allowing protective devices to function correctly.
Insulation Resistance
Tests carried out to ensure that the cable insulation of circuits is in a satisfactory condition to prevent the risk of a short circuit / electric shock.
Tests undertaken to ensure all conductors (wires) are correctly terminated in sequence throughout a circuit.
Earth Fault Loop Impedance
Tests undertaken to ensure that if a fault did occur, the system meets requirements to cause a disconnection of the supply within the time limit specified to reduce the chances of an electric shock.
Potential Fault / Short Circuit Current
Tests are undertaken to ensure that the fuses / circuit breakers protecting each circuit are able to work effectively under "worst case" fault conditions, thus ensuring safety in such an event.
RCD Testing
These devices react to electricity missing from the circuit or installation (such as when a person is receiving an electric shock) and cut the electricity supply within a specified time to reduce the risk of serious injury or death. Tests are carried out to ensure they meet the required disconnection time and are fully functional.
Results of the E.I.C.R.
Each item or circuit inspected is given a pass, or a rating of C1, C2 or C3.
C1 Immediate and severe danger present. There is a risk of injury, and immediate remedial action is required to remove the dangerous condition.
C2 Potentially dangerous condition. Urgent remedial action required.
C3 Improvement recommended. This code identifies situations that may require some changes to be made in order to ensure longer term safety.
The presence of any C1 or C2 codes will result in an "unsatisfactory" report.
In this situation, our Inspection and Testing Technician will prepare a detailed estimate for the necessary remedial work, and while Shrewsbury Electrical Services would be very happy to carry this out, you are under no obligation to retain our services to do so.
If you do retain our services for the remedial work, we will provide you with an amended EICR report showing the new "satisfactory" status for free.